Thursday, October 01, 2009

I've realized I'm so vague on this stupid thing. Whatever, it's cool.

Don't you realize that there's something wrong? Aren't you aware of what could happen? What I have that you don't? I'm choosing not to do anything because I'm going to be the bigger and better person (I AM the better person actually). Just grow up, stop playing petty games. We're older, we should be acting like adults. I don't want any high school drama in my life. I have too much going for me right now to worry about you and your stupidity. That is all.

Weekend soon .
Pil and Stef's birthdays very soon.
Halloween soon.
Exciting, Exciting.

And on a lighter note, Liz tried telling me she had ESPN today, not ESP. And people make fun of me because I'm the dumb friend. Bahhahahah.

Don't get any big ideas
They're not gonna happen

You paint yourself white
And fill up with noise
But there'll be something missing

Now that you've found it, it's gone
Now that you feel it, you don't
You've gone off the rails

So don't get any big ideas
They're not gonna happen

You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking

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