Monday, December 21, 2009

"I'm gonna treat you kind, I'm gonna rob you blind."

Sparkly tights and chunky printed sweaters are so awesome right now.

I also love this:

I wish I lived in a place where it's completely acceptable to wear party dresses all the time.

This is my last paycheck of living.
So now the question is, tattoo or a Sabina bag?
Tattoo? Mmm think so.
I have enough handbags.

I am SO excited for Alice in Wonderland to come out.

I've noticed that all I've been listening to lately has been Modest Mouse, Jenny Lewis, Rilo Kiley, and the Mountain Goats.

And I mean Zooey's always a plus.

Now it's time to release my inner nerd.
NCIS marathon tonight.
Law and Order SVU (SUV) tomorrow.

Andddddd ... FUCK, the mall and christmas shopping. Do these people ever stop?

1 comment:

YOitistheLIZ said...

we can wear party dresses all the time in the city in 2011 when we live together, unless i'm living with you in your room and sharing a bed with winston, in which case we can also wear party dresses.