Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I can't wait

for Saturday. And 80 degrees of glorious warmness. I seem to be missing quite a bit of clothing. I have no idea where they could have gone. I'm going to assume I left them in Pennsylvania. Remind me to remind myself that I have to find a way to get it all back, be it Tina or Karen. This weekend may turn out to be better then I expected. I have to close Friday and then hopefully Katie's for the Joshes' going away party if Eric will take me. Saturday is the Mother Nature's Son show, it'll be good to see some old faces and such. And Sunday is Pil's brothers show. Weeeohh.

So I've come to a conclusion and it's final. No more stressing out and if I do stress out I want every one of my friends to hit me or spit in my face or something. It's almost summertimeeee I gotta live it up.

1 comment:

pil pepito said...

you know i'm down for spitting in your face